Saturday, August 16, 2014

"And I'd Like to Thank All the Stupid People"

As far as stupidity goes, and even idiotic people go, I could rattle off names of people that I not only know, but are also in my family - and we're talking both sides of my family... They pretty much know who they are. Whether or not they read my blog posts on the other hand, I do not know.   Nor do I care.

And when John and I discuss these stupid and idiotic people, we both just come to the conclusion that most of the people on my list shouldn't be getting as much thought as we are giving them.

We have so much more to worry about then the ignorance of people in our lives.

He's right.

He's so right...

Perhaps I put too much thought into smacking people upside their heads or simply just analyzing what these people do and say is taking too much of my time.  Why should I give these unbalanced and rash people so much power?  Why do I let them seep into my thoughts (certainly not on a daily basis, but more often than I should) and why, oh why do I even care?

I can tell you that I do care for a number of reasons.

The first reason is the most obvious one.

Some of the people on my "How Can People Be So Dumb?" list are members of my family.  Some more closely related than others.  And what do we do with family?  We love them.  We love them and we want to see these people succeed and have good lives.
But the decisions these people make are just so dumb and so "not thought out" that I am surprised to find they are still living and breathing next time I see them... No joke.

**Seriously, how some of them manage to even dress themselves is a shock to me...**

But, for the life of me, I cannot say that I understand why people are the way they are.
The ones that are really bad are the ones that are nice to your face, but mean and judgmental behind your back...  Other examples of how foolish these people are, are the many bad decisions that they make for their lives, day after day and week after week, and month after month....   Again, how do they manage to even dress themselves each morning???
 I really want to know... I suppose my burning question will never be answered...

As a woman of God, I can say these things without malice or ill intent.
I too was once fool hardy and I too made ludicrous choices for my own life.  And as a direct result of these poorly executed ideas and thoughts, I have suffered and have paid very deep prices.
But, with each and every bad decision, I quickly learned to grow and I learned to behave and react in different ways.
Of course, that's what life is all about, isn't it?

To live your life, make certain compromises and then to learn from these either really awful judgments or really grand decisions.  For example, if I prefer option A  to option B, how would it make my life, or the lives around me different?  How will making this determination affect those around me??

So, when I speak about these really crazy and insane decision  makers in my life, I am not being mean.  Just spewing out the truth.  For those not yet fully immersed into the rabbit hole, you'll read this and probably smack yourself on the forehead and say, "Yup.  She's right.  I need to start making better choices."
But the majority of the people on my list are too far gone.  They are sitting comfortably - for now - in their meaningless lives, thinking that either everyone else is at fault or that their lives are somehow good enough to keep going.  To keep going making the poor and rash judgments and choices.

People who happen to be branded as stupid is often because it's the direct result of either one single massive bad choice or a whole bunch of little bad choices made time and time again.

I truly hope that these senseless and silly people will open their eyes though.  One day (not too awfully far into the future) they will realize that being mean and being foolhardy in their lives not only makes people resent them, but also subtracts from the number of guests at their own funerals.

Like I said before, I am not being mean or hurtful - and should anyone reading this actually think this post is about you, it probably is - I'm just executing my right as an American to express my opinion and to memorialize my opinions onto my blog.

After all of this, you're might be thinking, "Does this girl have any friends?  If she feels this way about everyone, how does she even get along with other people?"
I only have a select few of names on my list of utterly ridiculous people, and like I stated above, if you think you're included on that list, you probably are.
However, for the most part, I like to surround myself with good natured and honest humans.  Though, it's not just humans of kindness that I prefer.  I love most of the furry friends in my life as well.  My four legged friends never ever lied to me, nor have they ever talked behind my back... (oooohhhh.... animals that act like humans.  Great next blog post idea!!!  LOL)

And let's not forget that the stupid morons in my life really deserve my thanks as well.  For without them in my life, I wouldn't get to really appreciate those in my life that make me smile and those that make me miss them when I'm away from them.

Let me end with that...
A direct and heartfelt thanks to the people in my life that are so dumb and so idiotic, that without them, I couldn't enjoy those in my life who are truly kindred spirits and those who truly lift me up in solid and caring ways.

This goes out to the utterly stupid and highly ridiculous.   Thanks!

Side note:  This post isn't about anyone in particular.  Just observations made in my 35 years on this planet.  I come across total strangers every time I exit my house that could easily earn a spot on my "How Can People Be So Dumb" list.  But, if you're thinking that this post is about you or you take offense, simply stop being so dumb.  :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Looking Back on the Summer post...

It's mid August already and this summer has just flown by.  I really cannot believe how fast the summers go, for me at least...
When you stop to think about it, and I mean really stop to think about how many summers go by and how many summers you actually get to enjoy -  normal life span, is like 75 to 80 years old, longer if you're lucky.  So, that is only 75 to 80 summers you have to enjoy.  When you start to break it down like that, it gets a little depressing.
I am currently enjoying my 35th summer and like last summer, it is going by very quickly.  Before I know it, Olivia will be going on to the 8th grade (WHAT?  Did I just say the 8th grade???)  Wow... Time is just that partner in life that doesn't wait for anybody...

So, this summer has been spent mostly on the river with John and other camping trips with him and my other family members.  I certainly have been spending alot of times outside, more so then last year, that's for sure.  I have been taking care of mosquito bites and poison ivy all summer long, or so it feels.  But, that is just a clear indication as to how my summer has been going.

Olivia is mostly ready for her debut to the 8th grade.  I still have to acquire a back pack for her, but that's easily accomplished at my local Walmart during one of our Wednesday night grocery runs.  And I need to buy her the usual new socks and underwear for the upcoming school year.  Socks and underwear that I'm sure will be lost to the dryer aliens once again this year.  I'll be doing the laundry and start putting socks together just to find out that not a single one of them has a match... sigh... Those darned dryer one footed aliens...

When I stop to think about the shopping and endless meals that Olivia consumes, it makes me realize just how luck John and I are.
God certainly knew what He was doing when he blessed John and me with just the one child to raise and care for.  I couldn't imagine back to school shopping for multiple children.  When just shopping for one makes me want to rip my hair out!  And perhaps it because I'm disabled and in a constant state of pain 24/7, but I honestly don't know if I could do this "back to school thing" for more than one teenager.

Anyway, during this post of looking back on the summer, it made me realize that it has been one year since that whole "family drama" thing... And a year since Olivia has even seen the whole family that brought on all the drama.  I wonder if they realize it has been that long.  I couldn't tell you how many emails I have written and then deleted and then re written and then deleted once again... I have much to say, but I never want to say it in an email.  Just seems so, and what's the word I'm looking for here... so... so in concise.  I want to say many things, but an email wouldn't do it to get my point across.  And it's not that I want to be a "right" fighter, I just need to get things off of my chest before things will ever be "normal" again.  I doubt highly that things will ever go back to being normal.  I just think it's sad that it's been an entire year since they have seen or talked to Olivia.  Well, that's if you don't count an hour or so inside of a loud restaurant where conversation is almost impossible anyway.

So, anyway, this summer has been an enjoyable one.  (and no, it's not because of the lack of the family either)... It's just been spent outside, in the sun, underneath of the bright summer sky, looking up at trees and swatting flies sort of summer.  We've tried our hands at fishing, and Olivia really likes doing that.  She even caught a fish or two of her own.  We've hung out with our good friend Mike too, alot this past summer.  It's cool to see him and John compare camping gear and talk "shop" about different methods on making their winter trips more enjoyable.
Mom and dad have spent quite alot of time with Olivia.  My mom has been helping Olivia deal with some of her "girl" troubles.  You know how teenage girls can be.  Petty and partial to say the least.  But, my own words of advice hit a brick wall when it's flying towards Olivia's ears.  She has stopped listening to my sage advice a long time ago.  Sure, she still is sweet and kind hearted, but nowadays, her friends and her have been going back and forth between being BFF's and EFL's...

I was published over the summer, which I loved!  And I think was the highlight of my year!  I mean, to write and write and finally have someone include it in a literary magazine is just an incredible high that no drug (legal or not) can help you achieve.

Speaking of drugs... my pain management doctor has upped my pain meds and I think for now, I'm finally stabilized as far as outrageous pain is concerned.  I fear though that this grand feeling of just "manageable" pain won't last.  I know that when he has changed my meds up in the past, that the good feeling of having manageable pain only last a few weeks.  This time, though, knock on wood, my pain level has been manageable for a couple of months now.  Of course, I did have to add one more pill to my daily intake of medicines, but what's one more pill when I'm already taking so many?

Well, I guess that's it for now...

Gonna hit the hay and wait for another day, so to speak.  Olivia has a well child exam in the morning, and at the moment, she isn't exactly "well."  Her ears are bothering her again and I know I'll have to get the doctor to give her something for it.  So, maybe she won't be able to bill the insurance company as a "well child" exam and we will need to reschedule that... Oh well...

Till next time, and thanks for reading...

John and Olivia fishing at the river

my mom and me camping

it rained alot of the time while we were camping... I mean ALOT

cindy and me

the group at Penn's Caverns

fire time!
ducks that John and I saw on a day trip to Scott's Run Lake
Just a view on the lake from the canoe where John and I were for a few hours of  alone time....
Ducks we saw on Scott's Run Lake
in the canoe on Scott's Run Lake with John

the campground was surrounded by stone roads
Walking down alot of steps to go swimming with Olivia
very scenic swimming
my little fish in the lake
the walk down to Penn's Caverns was a very long and steep one
family shot

One of the views from atop the mountain

this past summer wasn't all fun times... a shot of me in the hospital with a severe viral infection, had me in for three days...

John and Olivia singing to me on my birthday
me and John on an overnight camping trip on the river... <3

Olivia and me about to embark on an overnight camping river trip with John this summer...