I thought that I would write about the fact that John and I just celebrated our birthdays. A week apart leaves little room for catching one's breath between celebrations. But, we did it! And both of us felt "special" and loved on our days. And we each felt a bit heavier too. Birthday cakes and celebratory cupcakes can never be "fat free" on a birthday!
Then, I considered writing about my type 1 diabetes and how difficult that has been lately. (and no, it's not because of our totally fattening birthday goodies) But, I have written about that several times and am tired of saying the same things over and over again. The ignorant s who read my posts will not be less ignorant from another post of mine...
So, I decided to write about one thing that makes me the most proud.
And that is that I was finally
That's right. I finally made it in print form into a publication that I submitted to, had edited (by others), and then I was accepted. I received the publication in the mail yesterday! My hands were shaking so badly when I got the manila envelope in the mail. Olivia was in the car with me and she asked me why I was so giddy. I told her it's because I was finally published. And since all I've been doing is working on my novel and blogging lately, she knew exactly what I meant by, "I am published!" :)
I feel so proud of myself. Not just because my submission was accepted, but because I have always considered myself a writer. I write for the sheer fun and total joy I find in writing. I haven't ever done it to be published or accepted by others. Sure, I am working on a book, but I highly doubt that will ever be seen by the rest of the world. I'm sure with the exception of a few rejection letters, that John and I will be the only ones that will enjoy my book... But, that's okay by me. I don't need the recognition of my work in order to feel satisfied in my writing skills.
I know I am a good writer.
Those that write for a paycheck or for other's acceptance sometimes miss the completely freeing awareness that one gets while writing.
Without further anticipation and ado, I give you my published work:
Is There a Monster at the End?
As each dawn brings a new day, so each day brings us closer to seeing the end of all libraries. As I walked through my local building of books and unending imagination the other day, that is the thought that kept leafing through my head. After all, America is really good at saying goodbye to the really greats.
The vinyl record? Replaced with iPods and MP3 players. The handwritten letter from grandma? Your phone alerts you to an email sent from grandma (sans flowery stationary, of course.) Heck, even notes between girlfriends are now “tweets” and “texts.” So, why should we keep lugging our mountain of books each one hurriedly read so you can get it back on time (sure), but also because you can’t wait for the next book in the series back to the library? Why should we continue dragging our two-and-a-half year old kids to that home of rectangular edifices called books?
How about, “Why not?”
The library is one of the few remaining bastions of solitude left on this planet where being alone with our thoughts, alone with our reflections of the day, alone with what’s left of our sanity is not only the norm, but also kept as a general rule by the few librarians out there.
Some of the publishing conglomerates out there are trying to murder books by relegating written matter into handheld devices called Kindles and Tablets. While nothing is inherently wrong about that, I find it offensive that I am being forced to read some of my favorite authors on my smart phone instead of picking up that dusty and slightly bent novel. I, for one, still have a relationship with my local library. I also frequent my favorite neighborhood “mom and pop” store as I browse for those books that I fondly refer to as “keepers.”
Some of the publishing conglomerates out there are trying to murder books by relegating written matter into handheld devices called Kindles and Tablets. While nothing is inherently wrong about that, I find it offensive that I am being forced to read some of my favorite authors on my smart phone instead of picking up that dusty and slightly bent novel. I, for one, still have a relationship with my local library. I also frequent my favorite neighborhood “mom and pop” store as I browse for those books that I fondly refer to as “keepers.”
Perhaps I am a stubborn curmudgeon because I was brought up learning about libraries, and taught how to properly read the Dewey Decimal System. Standing before the card catalog, my fingers would deliberately march through that drawer of numbers and letters, and with much elation I would eventually pick up my book and check it out, proudly signing my ever-so-neat cursive name. All this hunter-gatherer routine would surely sound mundane to the child who obsesses over Candy Crush on her phone. But finding that perfect book that you can’t put down is something I always found joy in. Library books even have a certain scent to them as well, don’t they? They smell as familiar to me as freshly cut grass on a summer Saturday or spaghetti sauce on top of the stove. That is something you won’t ever get to appreciate once you have surrendered your soul to inkless words pixelated on glass.
Once you start taking away libraries, you may as well say goodbye to the fireworks at the Fourth of July party or the hot dogs at your favorite ballgame stadium. I don’t know… maybe I am just a silly little thirty something who is straining to hold onto a past that will inevitably be impossible to hold onto. I sure hope not.
I hope that libraries are still standing when I start to read to my grandchildren. I want to read all of the classics to them. All of the Little Golden Books that I read growing up should still be around in paper form so my grandchildren can turn the pages and feel that same anticipation I did. “There’s A Monster at the End of This Book” just wouldn't read the same on a Kindle.
Congratulations, Sylvia!