Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy-ish Easter

We had such an amazing weekend!  The weather was just bright and sunny and I am finally seeing the buds starting to pop on the tress outside.  Dandelions and tulips have just started to introduce us again to the wondrous colors of spring and summer!  And my car is again being covered in that green stuff called pollen, already reminding me how poor I utterly am so I cannot go visit the car wash till payday...

But, yes, spring has definitely sprung around here!

More importantly, we just celebrated Easter.  And as I strive to look beyond colored eggs, baskets full of bright wrapping and chocolate bunnies, I can't help but think about what Jesus did for me - and it certainly wasn't that He ran to the nearest convenience store to pick out marshmallow peeps in my favorite color.

He gave His life for me. 

 He suffered horrid scars and torment, so people like me - ungrateful and spoiled brats, such as myself - can be saved.  I find it difficult to imagine and even more difficult to really ponder what He went through for little ole' me.

But, after He selflessly gave up His life for me, another miracle occurred when three days later, He rose again from death.  What a miraculous sight that must've been!  I can only try to imagine what the guards were thinking when the angel appeared to them and told them that Jesus had risen...

So, as I think about the amazing and wonderful thing that has been done for me, I find it very difficult to complain about my own situation.  After all, I certainly don't deserve the grace that I have been shown.  And I know that I can never really know the true impact of what Jesus did for me.  But, I also know that God only gives to those what He knows they can handle.  And that with every test I am given, I am to learn from it and try to pass on my message to others.

I have failed many of my tests.  I know that now.  And I know I will continue to fail others.  But, knowing that I have failed and not doing something about it would an even bigger atrocity.
With that thought in mind, I will try to be a better example of what someone who truly walks in the light of the Lord should be.  I will try not to let my petty pains and insecurities weigh me down.
Sure, the pain I am dealt with is very hard to live with.  But, so would living with this pain if I didn't have God to turn to.  And I know I have others in my life I could turn to as well...
So, I am very sorry if I have led anybody to believe that I am not a saved individual. I would hate to die and for people to be at my memorial wondering about where I "ended up".  I want people to be sure that I am going to be in Heaven!  I want those left here on Earth to know that they will definitely see me again one fine day.  I don't want people to say, "She was a Christian???"

When I do start to stumble - which I most undoubtedly will do - please try and not be too harsh or judgmental.  Try to be understanding, uplifting, and kind.  After all, none of us are perfect.
I, in return, will not only be grateful for your willingness to support me and my imperfections, but I will also strive to be the same way with you.

Happy Easter...

Thanks for reading...

Till next time...

(just an FYI - we had an amazingly delicious dinner over my folks house this afternoon.  My sister and her clan was there as well.  Great food and some really refreshing laughter permeated from the Oley area today...)

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